A Word of Caution
Ski-touring is an adventure activity, which means that it is inherently risky. Safety measures, effective decision making, and humility are all critical elements of success. The goal is to come home at the end of the day feeling as though you were always in control, a great story doesn’t have to be the by-product of misadventure. Consider the factors below as essential in ensuring you have a safe, fun time out on the slopes.
· AST 1/2 Training – Avalanche awareness/response protocol is critical. Avalanche Skills Training 1/2 (AST) are affordable, effective programs that will elevate your professionalism on the slopes, and most people won’t tour with skiers who don’t have them.
· Wilderness First-Responder (60/80 hours) – If adventure is in your DNA, this is a must have certification. It is a three-year certification designed to prepare you for the unique injuries/conditions you may see in the wilderness, and ski touring is no exception.
· Trustworthy Team – Know who you are skiing with. Have they prepared? Do they understand the risks? Are they hungover? These are all questions to ask before an excursion.
· Emergency Response Plan – Who will you contact if things go awry, and how will you reach them? Who knows that you are skiing? Do you have an easy access exit point? Develop an ERP (emergency response plan) before departing.
Next Steps: You’ve made it this far which means you’re a keener! The next step is to do some investigation into your first excursion. We recommend hiring a guide in your area, they are pricey, but they will ease you into the process, and often the hardest part is just getting out there for the first time. Ski-touring is a rewarding way to experience the winter wonderland, and great way to make lifelong friends. Best of luck, see you on the slopes!